Nicotine has a disastrous effect on the health of the smoker and his environment, which is forced to passive smoking. Addiction significantly strains home finances. Therefore, the question of how to quit smoking is bothering more and more people addicted to cigarettes. Although the fight against addiction is not easy, it is possible to eliminate addiction completely.
How to quit smoking
First, the decision to quit smoking must come from the patient and be supported by his sincere motivation, and not, for example, a doctor’s recommendation. If the doctor tells the patient to quit smoking, he may take note of this, and even agree with this recommendation, but if this is not supported by his (patient’s) belief that cigarettes must be stopped, quitting this addiction will not work out, or the effects will be short-lived.
To check if a person has a strong belief in the need to quit smoking, you can ask them when they intend to do so and whether they are ready to quit immediately. Undecided people may say that they want to quit smoking from tomorrow or next week. They will also multiply obstacles to achieving this goal.
source: pixabay
How to quit smoking: methods
In quitting smoking, it is important to develop healthy habits and ways to cope with stressful situations, and the group can help in this.
For example, you can make a commitment (and say it out loud) that you won’t smoke a single cigarette until … (enter a specific date here). Then you can extend the “time without a cigarette”. If you stick to the given date without reaching for cigarettes, motivation and self-satisfaction and progress in quitting smoking will increase.
A great way to quit smoking is to be thoroughly aware of the risks of smoking. By smoking cigarettes, you harm yourself and others, including your loved ones, children. Tobacco-related diseases include: hypertension, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm, asthma, tuberculosis, duodenal and stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, stroke, osteoporosis, cataract, accelerated menopause. Cigarette smoking also has a negative impact on male fertility. Smoking shortens life and causes many cancers. For this reason alone it is worth to cast them successfully.
Why is quitting smoking so difficult?
Nicotine has an addictive character and even several times more strongly affects the nervous system than alcohol, opiates and other drugs. The creation of an “artificial physiological need” – the compulsion to use tobacco – results from an increase in the activity of nicotine metabolizing enzymes.
According to numerous studies, the neuronal foundation of tobacco addiction is the activation of the neuronal ‘pleasure network’ by increasing dopamine secretion. This mechanism is associated with mental functions and its appearance is interpreted as a reward. However, the reduction or lack of nicotine leads to unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, including irritability, anxiety, sleep problems, increased sweating, problems concentrating.